The Stitch – Episode 111
This month, Pam and Lynn open with some chatter about summer vacation, and then dive into the psychology of quilting, designing quilts from scratch, and how collaboration in quilting works. The original article from Psychology Today, “Can Quilting be an Addition?” Lynn’s Aloha postcard quilt Marie Bostwick writes the Cobbled Court Quilt book series. If you’re in the Atlanta area, stop by Red Hen Fabrics on July...
The Stitch – Episode 109
Check out the bookshelf quilt pattern from Daisy Fredericks on Craftsy for our new #SummerReadingQAL! Official details and fabric requirements will be up in early May to get ready for the May 24th kick-off. And here is Josie the Saluki, of whom Lynn speaks in the last segment: Audio only versions of the show are available in the Hip to be a Square podcast feed. Our next Virtual Stitch-In is May 13, 2016! Thanks to our...